Monday, September 30, 2019
Teachers And Teaching In The Uae Education Essay
On Sunday, 07 February 2010 an Education Policy Forum took topographic point in the Dubai School of Government titled â€Å" Teachers and Teaching in the UAE. †The session included 4 panellists: Dr. Ian Haslam, Vice Chancellor of Emirates College for Advanced Education, Dr. Jane Truscott, Academic Programme Coordinator for Madares Al Ghad, Ministry of Education, Dr. Peggy Blackwell, Dean, College of Education, Zayed University, and, Jill Clark, Principal Curriculum Advisor for Early Years, Centre for British Teachers in Abu Dhabi. The panel was headed by the Moderator Dr. Natasha Ridge, Research Fellow, Dubai School of Government. The forum discussed the challenges and troubles to building an first-class instruction work force with quality, instructors ‘ fulfilment and satisfaction degree with the preparation and instruction they get, and how the preparation of instructors is altering instruction in the United Arab Emirates. Dr. Haslam started his treatment by inquiring what are the challenges to constructing a quality learning work force in the UAE? What are the challenges to raising the quality of the current instructors? What are the clear regulations and ordinances? He mentions the Singapore Model. Dr. Haslam focuses specifically on the significance of cooperation between schools and other larning establishments in public society. He mentioned that they need more work forces in ( ECAE ) as it is dominated by adult females. He talked about the 11,000 instructors who performed really ill on IELTS and had really low tonss. He added that most of the instructors do non hold pre-teaching preparation. Dr. Haslam emphasized the importance of constructing partnership between the province and the schools. He mentioned an of import point that if the pupils are underperforming, it is the instructor to fault and if the instructor is underachieving it is the Head of the Institution to fault. He said there need to be alteration and development in the procedure of how instructors are recruited and how it is extremely of import to maintain advancing by puting in research in instruction and professional development. The 2nd panellist was Dr. Jane Truscott. She started off by stating that Madares Al Ghad has 44 schools all over the Emirates with the same budget and resources as the remainder of the Ministry of Education schools. There are 3 chief ends of Madares al Ghad: to make a first educational system, to increase the capacity of UAE instructors, she says â€Å" the instructors are our resource for effectual instruction †, and to increase linguistic communication proficiency of class 12 alumnuss. She discusses the category room methodological analysis and as to who chooses the course of study. She negotiations of the importance of traveling to a modern category room where pupils can work in groups and where critical thought and collaborative acquisition takes topographic point. The pupils should larn new engineerings, she adds and to go experts with greater liberty and duty. The pupils have to go independent instead than dependent on the instructors. She so moves to discourse the chal lenges that face the instructor and how the quality of instructors is to be improved, how teacher preparation is transforming instructors in the Madares Al Ghad Schools. She talks about how to better the system overall and how to back up the mechanisms for the instructors to back up their attempts to do alteration. The tierces panellist, Dr. Peggy Blackwell spoke about some challenges that are confronting the instruction profession. The first thing she mentioned was the demand of a acquisition centre for instructors. She adds, the instructors need initial readying in the university and professional readying outside the university. The instructors have to cognize what they are learning and how to reassign the content to the pupils. Blackwell discusses the ends which are: to give the instructor the nucleus cognition for their calling and professional development, for every instructor to learn in a manner to optimise the cognition for the pupils. She talks about the importance of research and how course of study is of import for learning. Teachers should cognize about kid development and reliable appraisal of pupils. What could be the challenges? she discusses. There are a figure of challenges: Geographic scattering, non plenty support, non plenty follow up and work with the instructors, the Emira ti pattern of a short school twenty-four hours and school twelvemonth and many more. She so moves to the recommendations which are: the governments should present enfranchisement and licensing given to instructors when they complete professional criterion, a research Centre, learning Arabic linguistic communication is critical and how to learn it and to pay attending to what the pupils have to state and their feedback. Last, Jill Clark starts off by speaking briefly about the what the Centre ‘s mission and the alterations and transmutations initiated by the Centre for British Teachers in Abu Dhabi over the past 4 old ages in a figure of schools in Abu Dhabi. She said that Abu Dhabi invests a batch of money to develop the schools and to back up the instructors and a batch of schools have had good support ( substructure, equipment, etc†¦ ) from Abu Dhabi Education Council. These developments and alterations included doing the schoolrooms a more exciting topographic point to analyze, supplying entree to engineering in the schoolroom and extra instruction equipments and stuffs. She mentions the importance of civilization and heritage and how indispensable that the kids remember the UAE values and history. The English linguistic communication should be developed and that instructors should make this strong bond with the students and develop active larning communicating with the parents. Clark s discusses the major purposes of the Centre which are to make to the criterion of International Education, to develop on Humanistic disciplines, physical instruction and wellness, bilingual development, larning in context ( active acquisition ) and job resolution, instructors have to travel for lessons after school for English, regular appraisals of acquisition and developing practical patterns. She concludes by saying that the consequences until now have been really successful. After the four panellists finished their treatments, the moderator of the session, Dr. Natasha Ridge, opened the floor for inquiries and she concluded by reemphasizing the necessity to originate original and new learning methods to hold the students engage good. At the terminal of the forum, it was agreed that important partnerships need to be promoted between the state, the instruction mechanisms and other authorities organic structures to sketch indispensable policies that affects the development of kids.
Epidemiology Of Suicidal Behavior Health And Social Care Essay
The rate of posttraumatic emphasis upset in adolescence is higher than the rate of PTSD in maturity. PTSD is significantly associated with an increased hazard for self-destructive behaviour among striplings. Suicide is one of the top three causes of adolescent deceases worldwide. In the United States suicide rates among young persons are much higher than rates for the general population. Despite the strong relationship between PTSD and self-destructive behaviour, precise causal tracts associating PTSD to suicide in striplings remains ill-defined. A batch of other interceding factors and variables normally present themselves with both self-destruction and PTSD, including co-morbid psychiatric upsets, exposure to different signifiers of injury and nerve-racking life events, household history of self-destruction, core neurobiological alterations, and mental, emotional, and physiological provinces like hyperarousal, impulsivity, and aggression. Because young person is such a critical pha se of development, it is really of import that at-risk striplings are identified and referred for intervention. However, with many intervention challenges in these populations, effectual execution and usage of bar methods are of increasing importance. This reappraisal will foreground and critically analyse some of the most proved bar methods, including physician instruction, means limitation, and gatekeeper preparation, every bit good as others like public instruction runs and guidelines for the media, including those for telecasting, print media, and the Internet.Introduction: Epidemiology of Suicidal Behavior and PTSD in Adolescents and the Need for Prevention MethodsA 2010 study, utilizing the National Comorbidity Survey-Adolescent Supplement, found the lifetime prevalence of PTSD in 10,123 striplings aged 13-18 to be 5 % ( and 7 % for those aged 17-18 [ 1 ] ) . A 1999 literature reappraisal found this figure ranged from 6.3-8.1 % for striplings, compared with grownup populations which exhibited figures every bit low as 0.8-1.2 % [ 2 ] . Post traumatic emphasis upset is significantly associated with an increased hazard for self-destructive behaviour [ 3, 4 ] , though this association has been much less researched than the relationship between self-destruction and other upsets known to be risk factors, like major depression and substance-use upsets [ 5 ] . One survey found that among striplings and immature grownups, aged 14-24, who made past self-destruction efforts, PTSD corresponded with a higher hazard for self-destruction efforts than any other psychiatric unwellness [ 6 ] . Adolescents are at a peculiarly high hazard for sing traumatic events [ 7 ] and developing PTSD as a consequence of these experiences [ 8 ] . This is particularly unreassuring because young person is a critical phase of development, and holding PTSD can impede ripening and individuality formation and lead to life-long shortages with necessary mental and emotional accomplishments [ 2 ] . Harmonizing to the World Health Organization ( WHO [ 9 ] ) , self-destruction is one of the top 3 causes of decease among those aged 10-24 old ages old. About 4 million striplings attempt suicide every twelvemonth and more than 100,000 of triers successfully take their ain life, ensuing in one young person self-destruction every 5 proceedingss around the universe [ 10 ] . Annually, self-destructions are responsible for 1.6 % of all deceases in the U.S. , but 15.6 % of deceases among those aged 15-24 [ 11 ] . Judging by the fact that self-destruction is highly hard to foretell in the clinical scene [ 12 ] , concentrating a great trade of attempt on forestalling self-destructive behaviour utilizing other methods is of the extreme importance. The intent of this reappraisal is to discourse and critically analyze bar methods for self-destructive behaviour in striplings with PTSD.The relationship between PTSD and self-destructive behaviour in striplingsMore than 90 % of young person self-d estruction victims have at least one diagnosable psychiatric upset at the clip of decease [ 13 ] . 75 % of those with PTSD have other mental wellness jobs [ 14 ] . Co-morbidity of PTSD with other psychiatric conditions ( including temper upsets, substance-use upsets, and psychosis ) is associated with an increased self-destruction hazard and higher rates of self-destructive behaviour [ 5 ] . Depression is the most prevailing upset among young persons who have taken their ain lives [ 13, 15 ] . Take together, this might take one to see a few of the ( many ) possibilities of causal interaction between PTSD and self-destructive behaviour ; certain PTSD symptoms cause depression, which in bend leads to suicidal behaviour, or even that specific properties or symptoms common to all or some of the upsets mentioned above independently predict self-destructive behaviour [ 5 ] . However, with so many variables and hazard factors to take into history, the causal concatenation of events associa ting PTSD and self-destruction remains ill-defined. As a figure of surveies have pointed out, while about all self-destruction victims have at least one psychiatric upsets, most patients who have merely one or more psychiatric upsets ( without any other hazard factors ) do non really perpetrate suicide [ 16 ] . Thus, in mapping out possible avenues of causality between PTSD and self-destruction, all other hazard factors for self-destruction that might play a function must be taken into history. There is some grounds that PTSD can be an independent hazard factor for suicide [ 17, 18 ] . For illustration, a cohort survey of 1,698 immature grownups who grew up in Baltimore revealed a significantly increased hazard of self-destruction efforts for those who had PTSD compared to those without the upset and those who experienced a traumatic event without developing the unwellness ; and this increased hazard remained unchanged even after seting for some other noteworthy hazard factors, like depression and sex [ 17 ] . Research conducted by Mazza on 106 striplings in classs 9-12 revealed that PTSD symptomology was significantly related to an increased hazard of self-destructive ideation after seting for depression and gender [ 18 ] . Unfortunately, these surveies fail to command for a sufficient sum of associated hazard factors, like childhood sexual maltreatment, in order to govern out the effects of confusing variables that were n't statistically analyzed in these surveies. It is besides possible that injury and nerve-racking experiences can take to suicidality without a mediating PTSD diagnosing. Traumatic and nerve-racking events, such as exposure to terrorist act and physical and sexual maltreatment have all been found to be risk factors for PTSD, self-destruction, or other self-destructive behaviours [ 19, 20, 21 ] . However, the Baltimore young person survey listed above [ 17 ] found that merely PTSD, and non traumatic experiences, independently predicted self-destruction efforts. Besides of of import note in this survey was the determination that PTSD caused by injury that involves attacking force was significantly associated with self-destruction efforts, whereas PTSD caused by injury that did n't affect attacking force was non significantly related to suicide efforts. This determination may propose a differential association between self-destructive behaviour and the type of injury experienced. One manner of measuring the association between self-destruction and PTSD is to concentrate on some of the specific symptoms of PTSD that might be risk factors for self-destruction. One survey found that increased degrees of ill will, depression, and rousings were related to higher self-destruction hazard [ 22 ] . Hostility and increased rousing autumn within the hyperarousal bunch of PTSD symptoms. However, degrees of turning away ( avoidance bunch ) were negatively correlated with self-destruction hazard, taking the writers to speculate that turning away may function to decrease the opportunities of self-destruction ( 79 ) . In a longitudinal survey, Sourander and co-workers looked at a group of 580 striplings and found that those who exhibited aggressive behaviours ( which fall into the hyperarousal bunch ) at age 8 were significantly more likely to demo self-destructive behaviours ( specifically, suicide efforts and self-destructive thought ) 8 old ages subsequently, at age 16 [ 23 ] . Impulsivity has besides been documented to hold strong ties to both PTSD and self-destructive behaviour. For illustration, Kotler and co-workers found a positive association between impulsivity and hazard of self-destruction in patients with PTSD, as compared with matched controls, who showed no association between these two factors [ 24 ] . Given the fact that the bulk of self-destructive crises are ephemeral, unplanned, and associated with ambivalent feelings of whether to populate or to decease [ 25 ] , impulsivity seems to be an particularly strong nexus between PTSD and self-destruction. The re-experiencing symptom bunch has besides been positively associated with PTSD and suicide [ 26 ] . With respects to the efficaciousness of different get bying schemes, Amir et al documented that in PTSD patients, psychological get bying mechanisms like minimisation, function, and replacing were associated with lower hazard of self-destruction, and that suppression was associated with an increased hazard of suicide [ 27 ] . Other hazard factors for suicide include gender, a household history of self-destruction, and past self-destruction efforts. Men successfully complete suicide more frequently and be given to utilize highly-lethal agencies, as compared with females who attempt more self-destructions utilizing low-lethality processs [ 20 ] . A household history of self-destruction and old self-destruction efforts are two of the most important hazard factors for suicide [ 28 ] . A household history of self-destruction may increase the opportunity of developing PTSD [ 29 ] and old self-destruction efforts are potentially traumatising experiences in and of themselves. Having a household history of self-destruction or holding a history of self-destruction efforts can besides potentially lead to contagion-like effects. Contagious disease, a phenomenon by which interpersonal contact with self-destructive persons consequences in the spread of self-destructive behaviours ( with self-destruction methods frequently being mimicked or imitated ) , sometimes throughout full communities, is more common among youth than among those in other age groups [ 29, 13 ] . A particular type of contagious disease called the Werther consequence refers to copycat self-destructions spurred on by media coverage of people taking their ain lives. Media induced contagious disease effects will be discussed in item subsequently on. In footings of neurobiological underpinnings, injury, PTSD, and self-destruction are all associated with hyperactivity of the HPA axis [ 16, 29, 30 ] . Hyperactivity of the HPA axis is linked to traumatic experiences, like physical and sexual maltreatment, which can take to PTSD and depression [ 16 ] , which every bit mentioned, are all hazard factors for suicidality. Following injury and PTSD, dysregulation and overactivity of the HPA axis over long periods of clip can do terrible shortages in the emphasis response, and in consequence, render a individual overly-reactionary and sensitive to subsequent environmental stressors and unable to adequately suppress these fear-based reactions. This mechanism is normally referred to as sensitisation. Heightened activity in the amygdaloid nucleus and the corresponding increased emotional reactivity aid lend to sensitization [ 30 ] . PTSD is significantly associated with reduced hippocampal volume, enhanced feedback control of the HPA axis via hippocampal dysregulation [ 29 ] , neural decease or wasting, and damage of neurogenesis in this encephalon part [ 30 ] . Take together, this can take individuals with PTSD to over-generalize fear responses associated with their traumatic experiences to fresh environments or people and exhibit hypervigilance and nerve-racking reactions in even the safest of state of affairss [ 29 ] . These shortages cause symptoms related to both PTSD and suicide, such as weakness, aggression, negative outlooks, low-self regard, and self-destructiveness [ 16, 29 ] . Furthermore, impulsivity in PTSD and self-destruction is linked to shortages in the ability to suppress straitening or self-destructive emotions [ 6 ] which are associated with shortages in executive operation, every bit good as seratonergic and prefrontal cerebral mantle abnormalcies ( particularly the ventromedial prefrontal parts ) [ 16, 31 ] . Finally, it may be the instance that PTSD, self-destruction, and other associated conditio ns all portion a similar familial, epigenetic, and/or neurobiological sensitivity [ 16, 29, 30 ] .Prevention of self-destruction in striplings with PTSD:There has been a good trade of research conducted on suicide bar for the general population and besides some covering with suicide bar in adolescent populations, but none looking into bar methods tailored to suicidal striplings with PTSD. There are two general options when it comes to suicide bar: decreasing hazard factors for self-destruction or instance determination, which refers to looking for and placing at hazard individuals for referral and intervention [ 3 ] .A literature reappraisal by Mann found that the three most effectual bar techniques have proven to be means limitation, instruction of primary attention doctors, and gatekeeper preparation [ 33 ] .Meanss RestrictionMeans limitation refers to any steps taken to diminish entree to or handiness of self-destruction means [ 24 ] . Suicide triers tend to utilize specific, favorite methods, and when they are unable to achieve the agencies for these favored methods, they are less likely to do a suicide effort [ 34 ] . The chief justification for implementing agencies limitation steps is that the bulk of self-destructive crises and feelings of desiring to kill oneself are brief and transient, unplanned or unprompted, and frequently accompanied by assorted feelings of whether to populate or to decease [ 24 ] . Therefore, with more deadly means unavailable or unaccessible during this short window of chance, the self-destructive individual will either non travel through with the effort or usage less deadly agencies [ 24 ] . Given the grounds highlighted above, that impulsivity may function as a strong nexus between PTSD and self-destruction, means limitation seems as if it might be merely as effectual if a self-destructive crisis is spurred on by PTSD-related impulsivity or other PTSD symptoms associated with self-destruction mentioned above. Harmonizing to the CDC, the top three methods used by immature people in self-destructions are pieces ( 45 % ) , asphyxiation ( 40 % ) , and toxic condition ( 8 % [ 35 ] ) . One survey found that across the United States, suicide rates are higher for people populating in locations where there are more guns in places and that this association is most outstanding for striplings aged 5-19 [ 36 ] . In support of agencies limitation, surveies systematically show that go throughing piece control Torahs lead to decreases in suicide rates [ 37, 38 ] . For illustration, the passing of gun control statute law in 1976 in the District of Columbia led to a 23 % decrease in firearm-related self-destructions [ 37 ] . Similarly, gun control Torahs in South Australia led to important lessenings in self-destructions utilizing pieces, in comparing with other Australian provinces without similar gun Torahs in topographic point ( where there was an addition self-destruction rates [ 38 ] ) . For self-dest ructive striplings with PTSD, one potentially good hereafter avenue for research might be to concentrate on calculating out if PTSD caused by certain types of trauma lead to utilizing specific self-destruction means more frequently than others. For illustration, it seems sensible to believe that those that who experience gun-related injury might be less likely to take pieces as their agencies because they will likely seek to avoid any reminder of the injury at the hazard of triping reliving symptoms. The consequences of one survey already discussed above, which found that turning away behaviours were negatively correlated with self-destruction hazard [ 22 ] might supply some support for this hypothesis.Physician Education and Training:One of the most promising bar methods of self-destruction in striplings is to educate and develop primary attention doctors to better screen, place, and dainty patients with psychiatric upsets, every bit good as to mention such patients to mental welln ess attention professionals [ 33 ] . However, an inordinate sum of doctors fail to place and efficaciously give support and intervention to patients with self-destructive dispositions and associated psychiatric upsets, like depression [ 15 ] . This failure to acknowledge depression and other hazard factors related to suicide may be a major ground why most self-destruction victims go untreated before taking their ain lives [ 33 ] . Physician instruction may be of peculiar importance in kids and young person because it is frequently the instance that doctors are a young person ‘s lone beginning of mental wellness attention service [ 39 ] . The bar of self-destruction in the primary attention puting can potentially be an highly effectual method because about 75 % of all victims have contact with a doctor within a twelvemonth of self-destruction and about half of all victims have contact with a doctor within a month of taking their ain lives [ 40 ] . In one survey based in Austral ia, primary attention doctors took portion in a preparation workshop that was intended to assist them to break identify and efficaciously react to immature people at hazard for self-destruction. Despite the fact that the workshop merely lasted for one twenty-four hours, designation of self-destructive patients increased by 130 % [ 41 ] . Other surveies besides show that this bar method leads to decreases in self-destruction rates and increases in rates of placing those at an increased hazard for suicide [ 42, 43 ] . Doctors should test all striplings to measure get bying accomplishments and any ideas or behaviours, yesteryear and nowadays, which are associated with self-destructive behaviours [ 44 ] . With respects to our population of survey, doctors should besides be adept in testing for, identifying, and triaging striplings with PTSD ( and other upsets related to increased hazard of self-destruction ) . The Society for General Internal Medicine enlisted the aid of the American Association of Medicine and Psychiatry, the American Psychiatric Association, The American College of Physicians, and the American Academy of Physician in order to supply doctors with literature and guidelines to efficaciously name and handle psychiatric upsets normally observed in primary attention [ 45 ] . Furthermore, doctors might besides desire to measure which type of injury led to PTSD for different persons so as to understand turning away forms and to acquire a appreciation on which suicide methods might be most favourable for each person. Taking showing and assessment consequences into history, the clinician can besides function to organize a support system for the young person patients by opening lines of communicating with parents and other grownups and possible gatekeepers in the local community, including instructors, activity spouses, etc. [ 46 ] . In general, by organizing respectful, encouraging, and most significantly, understanding relationships with adolescent patients, primary attention doctors can open a much needed line of support for striplings in times of crisis or hurt [ 46 ] , which would be particularly utile for those self-destructive young person with co-morbid or peculiarly distressful upsets, like PTSD and depression. Screening instruments, which may concentrate on hazard factors for self-destruction or suicide entirely [ 33 ] , are valuable tools that doctors should use. These instruments faithfully lead to accurate acknowledgment of and significantly higher sensing rates of at-risk young person populations [ 47, 48 ] .Mental Health Care:Of all of the many assortments of therapies that are typically utilised in efforts to handle self-destructive people, dialectical behavioural therapy is the lone 1 that has continuously proven to be effectual in decreasing self-destructive behaviour in the grownup population [ 20 ] . Unfortunately, none of the research found on this subject has focused any attending specifically on self-destructive behaviour in striplings with PTSD. With specific respects to get bying schemes, clinicians should learn and promote PTSD patients to utilize get bying schemes associated with lower hazard of self-destruction in PTSD patients, like replacing, function, and minimisation, and to avoid those associated with higher hazard of self-destruction in PTSD patients, like suppression [ 25 ] . Harmonizing to Sher and Ganz, a combination of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapeutics is likely to be the best intervention option for mental wellness professionals to give to striplings with PTSD [ 29 ] .Gatekeeper Training:Gatekeeper preparation refers to educating and developing grownup community members who communicate and interact with adolescent populations on a twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours footing to acknowledge young person at hazard for self-destruction, assess their degree of hazard, and mention them to mental wellness professionals for intervention when necessary [ 33 ] . Gatekeepers can include those working in institutional scenes ( instructors, counsel counsellors, managers, prison and military functionaries, etc. ) , clergy and other spiritual professionals, constabulary, first respondents, nurses, and primary attention doctors [ 32, 33 ] . Unfor tunately, many possible gatekeepers lack either cognition of the hazard factors for young person self-destruction or do n't possess the appropriate attitudes or intercession accomplishments to efficaciously take action when needed. For illustration, a countrywide study of U.S. high school instructors showed that fewer than 10 % of all instructors felt that they could place at-risk pupils, and even amongst counsellors who possessed cognition of the hazard factors ; two tierces did n't believe that they could acknowledge pupils at hazard for suicide [ 49 ] . It becomes even more of import to contrive gatekeeper schemes when one takes into history a determination by Wyman and co-workers: of a assorted sample of 2,059 8th and 10th class pupils surveyed with respects to help-seeking attitudes, those who mentioned a past self-destruction effort were much less likely than those without a past self-destruction effort to seek aid or believe that any school forces could assist them [ 50 ] . The cumulative literature on this subject has non yet proven gatekeeper preparation to hold an independent or important consequence on decreasing self-destructive behaviour [ 32 ] . However, there have been some studies that point towards positive effects of these preparation plans. A survey based in Quebec gave gatekeeper preparation to 43 grownup â€Å" assistants †who worked with young person populations. Within 6 months of the preparation day of the month, over 60 % of the assistants made an intercession with a self-destructive young person, and the grownups given the preparation attained increased intercession accomplishments and cognition of self-destructive behaviour as compared with 28 assistants in a control group who did n't have the preparation [ 5 ] .Public Education Plans:Public instruction plans attempt to supply suicide consciousness information and inform the populace about hazard factors and designation schemes, every bit good as to assist cultivate appropriate attitudes towards suicide and self-destructive behaviour. These plans are frequently targeted at adolescent populations [ 13 ] and particularly in the school puting [ 28 ] . One survey looking at a school-based instruction run for striplings found that because of the intercession pupils were able to get by more efficaciously with emphasis and negative feelings like hopelessness [ 52 ] , which is a symptom associated with both PTSD and self-destructive behaviour in striplings. However, there is non adequate empirical grounds look intoing the efficaciousness of this method of suicide bar to do any definite decisions or recommendations [ 28, 33 ] . Such preventive intercessions can besides take to aim more specific at-risk populations like self-destructive striplings with PTSD by including information about placing persons in this population, hazard factors, and intervention options.Media Guidelines:As evidenced in the literature, the media ( print, telecasting, cyberspace ) can assist to ease decreases of young person self-destruction by supplying supportive advice and educating the populace or can hold potentially black results, raising mass contagious disease effects as a consequence of irresponsible coverage of self-destructions ( i.e. romanticizing or roma nticizing self-destruction, or dramatising more deadly self-destruction methods [ 24, 33, 53, 54, 55 ] ) . Improper coverage can even take to the instruction of new or alternate suicide methods [ 24 ] , every bit good as draw attending to suicide hot musca volitanss [ 56 ] . In this context, the effects of contagious disease can be far more black than contagious disease via person-person contact in community and local scenes ( as already discussed [ 53 ] ) . Furthermore, there is good grounds that young person populations are at the greatest hazard to media-related contagious disease effects [ 54, 57 ] : Phillips and Carstensen [ 54 ] reported that T.V. intelligence and characteristic narratives about self-destruction caused important additions in teenage self-destruction over the hebdomad following these broadcasts ( about a 7 % addition ) compared with grownup self-destructions that increased by less than half of a per centum. In add-on, broader coverage of these narratives by mor e intelligence Stationss led to higher Numberss of adolescent self-destruction. Media contagious disease ( besides normally referred to as the â€Å" Werther consequence †) can in big portion be explained by societal larning theory [ 53 ] . In the instance of the Werther consequence, greater public attending can function as a wages to the perceiver and can show as longer continuance of coverage, greater sums of coverage [ 53 ] , and greater prominence of coverage, including front page arrangement or covering famous person self-destructions [ 58 ] . Furthermore, perceivers are more likely to pattern behavior off of others that they portion similar features with ( similar age or gender ) and maintain more attending on sing narratives that involve such people [ 59, 60 ] . For illustration, for up to 70 yearss after the screening of a hebdomadal series that depicted the railroad self-destruction of a 19-year old male pupil, the figure of railroad self-destructions were highest amongst the population of 15-19 twelvemonth old males ( with rates increasing by u p to 175 % ) , as compared to all other age/gender populations [ 60 ] . There are besides a few surveies looking into the possible relationship between PTSD and media effects. Research workers covering with 69 young persons in the 6th class who lived near Oklahoma metropolis when the 1995 bombardment took topographic point, but were non straight exposed to the event, found that indirect witnessing of the event via media beginnings was significantly associated with geting PTSD symptoms [ 61 ] . Another survey based in Ontario analyzing 143 undergraduate pupils ( aged 17-37 ) , looked at the PTSD symptomology related to media exposure to the 9/11 terrorist onslaughts. Media exposure was significantly associated with 2 of the 3 PTSD symptom bunchs, including hyperarousal and reliving symptoms, but was n't associated with the turning away bunch [ 62 ] . Taken in visible radiation of consequences already mentioned, that PTSD symptoms like hyperarousal and reliving symptoms in youth lead to an increased hazard of self-destruction, it can be inferred that media coverage of certain events can function to rise these hazard factors even more and make an even shorter span between PTSD and self-destruction. As briefly mentioned above, if conducted in a responsible mode, media studies on self-destruction can hold potentially good effects ( the Popegeno consequence ) . The chief bar method for self-destructive contagious disease and other inauspicious effects of the media is supplying describing guidelines for media organisations to follow [ 33, 63 ] . Such guidelines may include turning away of sensationalizing or dramatising self-destructions, promoting self-destructive people to seek intervention and attention, and educating them about the hazard factors and effectual header mechanisms, educating those involved in the production and describing about contagious disease, turning away of lucubrating on particulars of suicide methods or hot-spots, and restricting the coverage and prominence of suicide instances and avoiding front page arrangement [ 53 ] . These guidelines listed are some that help to organize a set of national guidelines developed by the American Foundation for Suicide Pre vention [ 64 ] . The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has besides released similar guidelines for media describing [ 65 ] . Although no research has focused on the efficaciousness of these specific guidelines [ 33, 53 ] , there has been some work done on others. For illustration, in Vienna, Austria self-destruction rates, and in peculiar, rates of metro self-destructions, increased dramatically after the metro system was put into topographic point in 1978. Elmar and Sonneck documented an 80 % lessening in metro self-destructions after guidelines were developed by the Austrian Association for Suicide Prevention and spread via a media run in 1987 [ 66 ] . In another survey, after Swiss newspapers and magazines implemented a set of guidelines, research workers found that in comparing to before the guidelines, articles received less outstanding arrangement, were non as drawn-out, less sensational, and included less images [ 67 ] . Taking into history the surveies on media cove rage of PTSD, similar guidelines can be put into topographic point with minor add-ons to account for the hazard factors and symptoms associated with self-destructive striplings with PTSD. There have been comparatively few surveies looking to see if the cyberspace might hold a relationship with suicidality [ 68 ] . However, the cyberspace is of peculiar concern in visible radiation of the facts that societal networking sites can be utilized to distribute information in merely proceedingss [ 24 ] , there are suicide confab suites and web sites incorporating instructions for different self-destruction methods [ 33 ] , and about all immature Americans and striplings have internet entree to one grade or another ( with 93 % of all 12-17 twelvemonth olds and 89 % of 18-24 twelvemonth olds being online in 2009 [ 55 ] ) .. The most used societal media site, Facebook, reached 500 million registered users in 2010 [ 69 ] and in 2009, in general, societal networking sites were used on a regular footing by 73 % of teens, including 55 % of 12-13 twelvemonth olds and 82 % of 14-17 twelvemonth olds [ 70 ] . There is grounds that Facebook and other societal media sites may really function to increase societal support and hike mental well-being [ 71 ] and even halt or diminish self-destructive ideation in immature people and striplings [ 68 ] . One particularly unreassuring on-line locale is web sites devoted to advancing self-destruction by detailing information on self-destruction agencies and methods, of which there were found to be more than 100,000 in 1999 [ 72 ] . Other possible avenues for obtaining information about self-destruction include forums and self-help pages, in which other users can go forth remarks or feedback. In 2010, Ries [ 73 ] documented a instance in which a 24 twelvemonth old male poste d a remark on a forum about the purpose to kill himself. While some showed support and understanding, others egged him on. The immature adult male went on to kill himself. In footings of Internet-related PTSD effects, one survey found that amongst simple school kids who indirectly witnessed or heard about the 9/11 terrorist onslaughts via different media mercantile establishments, kids who saw or heard about it on the Internet reported more PTSD symptoms than those who witnessed the event by manner of telecasting or print media [ 74 ] . A recent cohort survey [ 68 ] conducted with 719 14-24 twelvemonth olds found that 59 % of participants saw or learned about suicide narratives on the Internet. Mental wellness information was besides attained from the participants. Although hopelessness and cognizing person who attempted or committed self-destruction at baseline were both extremely related to larning approximately self-destructions from societal networking sites, societal media was non related to additions in self-destructive ideation in these groups, proposing that these sites may really function to be effectual mediums for societal support and forestalling self-destructive behaviour. The same good effects were non observed with online forums, which were related to additions in self-destructive ideation, supplying grounds that forums may function to promote or ease self-destructive behaviour. The same goes for blogging, which was related to hopelessness. These consequences may bespeak that young persons with PTSD o r other mental wellness jobs associated with self-destruction may be best off sing societal media sites as opposed to forums or web logs. Like with other types of media bar, the Internet can besides be a medium used to adequately educate striplings about self-destruction, its causes, hazard factors, and intervention options. In order to battle the hurtful effects of suicide-promotion sites and other harmful locales, suicide-prevention web sites can be utilized to back up and steer suicidal young person to learn effectual header schemes and proper intervention options. Furthermore, mental wellness suppliers and gatekeepers like primary attention doctors and instructors can assist educate young person of the dangers and benefits of Internet usage ( 133 ) . Besides, as mentioned above, Facebook and other societal media sites may really assist to forestall self-destruction by leting support and counsel from friends and other people in one ‘s societal web [ 13, 71 ] . Finally, some signifier of media guidelines might assist to forestall the spread of contagious disease on the Internet. All of the bow mentioned bar opt ions can be utilized for self-destructive striplings with PTSD and/or other psychiatric conditions.Multi-dimensional Prevention Methods:Given the demonstrated efficaciousness of most of the bar methods discussed, it seems sensible to speculate that a more various, multi-dimensional self-destruction bar method, uniting all or some of these methods, might turn out to hold the best consequences of all. In a survey based in Nuremberg, Germany [ 76 ] both primary attention doctors and community gatekeepers ( clergy, help-lines, mental wellness attention workers, police officers, prison officers ) were given suicide bar preparation. Furthermore, media organisations ( T.V. , wireless, and newspaper ) were given guidelines to follow refering coverage of self-destructions in order to forestall imitator self-destructions and contagion-related effects. There was besides a public instruction run launched which organized talks for the general populace and enlisted the aid of public functionaries and assorted media mercantile establishments ( including a film dawdler and an internet web site ) to assist educate community members and wellness attention workers about depression ( which of class, is one of the chief hazard factors for self-destruction ) and to promote people with depression or depressive symptoms to seek aid. Result showed that over a two twelvemonth period, there was a 24 % decrease in self-destructive Acts of the Apostless ( which included completed self-destructions and suicide efforts ) , and that this decrease was important compared with the control part ( Wuerzburg, Germany ) that did n't have the bar plans. In Wuerzburg, self-destructive Acts of the Apostless increased by over 7 % over the two twelvemonth span. More research needs to be conducted on such multi-dimensional attacks in order to come to any concrete decisions about the efficaciousness of this method compared with the other methods discussed.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Cumulative Grade Point Average Cgpa Education Essay
This chapter consists of seven subdivisions. The first subdivision explains the background of the survey. The 2nd subdivision contains the job statement of this survey whereas the 3rd subdivision states the research aims ; which are the general and specific aims. The range of this survey is explained in the 4th subdivision while the research restrictions are explained in the 5th subdivision. Last, the significance of the survey is shown in the 6th subdivision and the decision is elaborated in the last subdivision.1.2 Background of surveyTraditionally, university pupils have subscribed to the belief that academic is of import to larn. National instruction depends on academic accomplishment because it portrays the success and failure of instruction in a state. Harmonizing to Dambudzo ( 2009 ) , late, the society has focused and emphasised more on academic accomplishment of its citizen. From that we can infer the importance of academic excellence. The grounds of success in a pupil is measured through his Accumulative Grade Point Average ( CGPA ) at the National Defense University of Malaysia ( NDUM ) therefore pupils compete one another for a higher GCPA. In a survey conducted by Oh ( 1999 ) , it was found that there is a relationship between religionism degree and academic accomplishment where high school pupils who had a high degree of religionism were more likely to hold a higher GPA than the nonreligious pupils. Several surveies at high school degree examined the addition of educational accomplishment to individual ‘s religionism ( Regnerus, 2000 ) . Therefore, religionism is of import and every pupil must hold it. NDUM is a military university but it non an alibi for the pupils in non keeping their religionism because through the research by Schumbel et Al. ( 2009 ) , religionism has been identified as an â€Å" of import construct to see in pupils ‘ academic development †. Islam positions instruction as a spiritual responsibility and an obligatory for every homo who are Muslim. In Islam, the prophesier Muhammad went through the procedure of acquisition, throughout Quran, Allah says â€Å" Read! In the Name of your Lord, who has created ( all that exists ) . Has created adult male from a coagulum. Read! And your Lord is the most generous, Who has taught ( the authorship ) by the pen, Has taught adult male that which he know non †( Quran, 96, 1-5 ) . As Moslem pupils in NDUM, they must cognize their duties in instruction and strive hard to acquire high CGPA.1.3 Problem of statementNDUM is an Institution of Higher Education ( IPTA ) , once known as the Malaysian Armed Forces Academy ( ATMA ) . NDUM is categorised as a dress shop university because NDUM acts as an administration that is responsible for carry oning programmes of survey at undergraduate degree and military preparations. Therefore, there are topics affecting the military such as milit ary jurisprudence, military history, defence economic sciences, and defence engineering. Harmonizing to the general conditions and particular conditions to come in NDUM by the Academic Management of NDUM, the making to acquire into NDUM is tough and merely those who are first-class in SPM deserve to foster their surveies in NDUM. However, based on random informations of CGPA from officer plebe Tuah ‘s Battalion, there are 17 officer plebe still got CGPA below than & lt ; 2.5. The cardinal job of NDUM officer plebe pupils is why they can non execute during their surveies in NDUM. The past decennary has seen a considerable sum of argument on the effects of faith in the private sector and instruction. But, the larger argument is more focussed on the effects of private spiritual schools on the academic accomplishment of kids ( Chubb & A ; Moe, 1990 ) . Some of societal scientists believe faith as a factor to assist kids get the better of many of these challenges so that they excel both academically and socially ( Jeynes, 1999 ) . Then, several surveies have estimated that pupils who are without religionism are easier to affect with hazardous behavior and it can impact their academic accomplishment ( Adams, n.d. ) , so the degree of persons ‘ religionism among the pupils in NDUM is the job of the survey. Previous surveies by Elias, Awang, and Mohamed ( 2005 ) have shown that religionism is non correlated to academic accomplishment. So, it is good that the relationship between religionism and academic accomplishment is reviewed. Furthermore, the survey of single Muslim religionism is rare in research and it contributes as a job for this research.1.4 Objective of surveyThe aims of this survey are: To analyze the degree of plebes ‘ single religionism towards academic accomplishment. To analyze the relationship between intrinsic religionism and academic accomplishment. To find the relationship between extrinsic religionism and academic accomplishment.1.5 Scope of surveyThere are many researches that investigated the relationship between religionism and academic accomplishment. So far, most of the researches are on the Christian position and other faiths but non Islam. This paper will reexamine on NDUM Muslim plebes pupil in twelvemonth one, two, and three of Defense Human Resource Management Faculty. This survey besides will detect the causes that can impact academic accomplishment. It is hoped that the result of this survey can better Muslim plebes academic accomplishment. NDUM besides can take an action to advance and heighten faith importance to pupils ‘ lives and academic accomplishment.1.6 Research restrictionOne restriction is the focal point of this survey is limited to the single religionism in NDUM pupils towards academic accomplishment. This survey will non demo the other faiths ‘ effects on academic accomplishment of pupils i n NDUM. This paper besides did non assist overall faith of pupil at NDUM towards their academic accomplishment because it merely limited to NDUM Muslim plebes pupil in twelvemonth one, two, and three of Defense Human Resource Management Faculty. The chief restriction to this survey is that there are limited resources on Muslim faith towards academic accomplishment.1.7 Significance of surveyThis survey is of import to place the single religionism between the variables of the intrinsic and extrinsic toward academic accomplishment in NDUM. On the consequence will be cod can shown the effects of religionism to better the academic accomplishment among Moslem pupils in NDUM. In add-on, this survey can give academic direction of NDUM chance to better pupils ‘ public presentation in surveies. Therefore, this survey can be literature reappraisal for other people to acquire cognize about Muslim pupils towards academic public presentation. It is of import to place the intrinsic and extrinsic single religionism towards academic accomplishments of pupils in this survey. The consequences will be able to demo the effects of holding religionism and it is predicted that religionism plays an of import function of bettering pupils ‘ accomplishment. It is hoped that this survey will add to the bing literature and the universe will acquire to cognize how faith ( Islam ) plays an of import function in the academe.1.8 DecisionIn this chapter, the research worker has spelled out the background of survey and explained that the coming chapters will discourse the effects of single religionism towards academic accomplishment. In general, this chapter besides explains the background of survey and its restrictions.Chapter 2Introduction2.1 IntroductionThis chapter has seven chief subdivisions. The first subdivision will specify the conceptual footings of single religionism. The 2nd subdivision will discourse about intrinsic spiritua l and 3rd subdivision discusses extrinsic spiritual. Fourth subdivision is academic accomplishment ( CGPA ) . The fifth, 6th and 7th subdivisions will be discoursing the related old surveies, theories or constructs that support the relationship. The last subdivision is the decision to this chapter.2.2. Conceptual Definitions of FootingsThis subdivision describes the conceptual definition of footings.2.2.1 ReligiosityReligiosity is known as a complex construct and is hard to specify. Harmonizing to Holdcroft ( 2006 ) religionism is an uncertainness and a complex issue because the nature of the English linguistic communication itself. For illustration, in Roget ‘s Thesaurus ( Kirkpatric, 1999 ) , religionism is found to be synonymous with such footings as devoutness, orthodoxy, religion, belief, piety, devotedness, and sanctity. These synonyms reflect dimensions of religionism instead than the footings of religionism itself. Psychologists might discussed religionism in footings of devotedness, sanctity, and piety, and sociologists described the construct of religionism in footings of church rank and church attending ( Cardwell, 1980 ) . The different usage of footings across academic subjects to place what could be thought of as similar dimensions of religionism makes it hard to discourse without an expressed definition from the point of view of spiritual instruction and the application of that cognition to the lived experience. Another ground for the complexity of religionism is every nearing religionism are from different vantage points, and few confer withing one another ( Cardwell, 1980 ) . In add-on, religionism is a complex construct in human phenomenon, and seems to cover overall portion in our life such as behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, feelings and experiences. The different footings in religionism make it difficult to sort the dimensions of religionism because every psychologists or research worker have their ain sentiment. IntrinsicAllport and Ross are the 1s who developed the intrinsic-extrinsic Religious Orientation Scale ( ROS ) based on Allport ‘s theoretical efforts. Based on old surveies by Allport & A ; Ross ( 1967 ) , it was distinguished those who viewed their pattern of faith as a end in itself ( intrinsic orientation ) from those who viewed it instrumentally ( extrinsic orientation ) . On doctrine surveies, Zimmerman ( 2010 ) claimed that the intrinsic is the value of somet hing which is said to be the value that that thing has â€Å" in itself, †or â€Å" for its ain interest, †or â€Å" as such, †or â€Å" in its ain right. †In add-on, Allport & A ; Ross ( 1967 ) assumed that to be a high intrinsic individual is to be a true truster in spiritual pattern for its ain interest. Then Holdcroft ( 2006 ) summarised Allport and Ross survey where he posited that a individual with intrinsic religionism is one who internalised the entire credo of his or her religion and moves beyond mere church attending. Therefore, Allport and Ross ( 1967 ) besides mentioned that intrinsic religionism refers to motivation originating from end set Forth by the spiritual tradition itself. Numerous surveies have shown that intrinsic spiritual is about human concern and how they pattern their faith for themselves. ExtrinsicExtrinsic religious is besides developed by Allport & A ; Ross ( 1967 ) . In their research, they interpreted extrinsic religionism as a self-seeking and useful mentality on faith that provides the trusters with comfort in redemption. Therefore, they besides claimed that the persons who are disposed to utili ze faith for their ain terminals, such as position, sociableness, and excuse, and frequently selectively determine a credo to suit their ain terminals. Based the reviewed by Powell & A ; Clarke ( n.d. ) on Allport and Ross extrinsic religionism, religionism was conceived as a devoutness that is instrumental in nature, with faith used as a means to obtain an mixture of ego functioning terminals, such as personal comfort and societal wagess of both the terrestrial and heavenly assortment. Furthermore, people who were found to consist a significant proportion of the spiritual population, use faith for its intra-psychic benefits, such as increased self-pride ( Tajfel & A ; Turner, 1986 ) . Other research worker such as ( Kirkpatrick, 1989 ) besides mentioned that extrinsic religionism is a flow from the societal indorsement of one ‘s values and social-cultural worldview.2.2.2 Academic AchievementAcademic accomplishment can be defined as self-perception and self-evaluation of one ‘s nonsubjective academic success ( Klobal & A ; Musek, 2001 ) . Harmonizing to the academic regulation book ( Bachelor Session of 2010/2011 ) , for the pupils who are analyzing at undergraduate degree at NDUM, they are subjected to the academic regulations of this university. Furthermore, academic accomplishment can be classified into two types measuring, grade point norm ( GPA ) and cumulative great point norm ( CGPA ) . Academic standing of pupils will be determined at the terminal of each regular semester with CGPA as shown in Table 1.Table 1 Academic StandingAcademic Standing Condition of CGPA Good Standing ( GS ) CGPA = 2.00 Conditional Standing ( CS ) 1.70 = CGPA & lt ; 2.00 Failed Position ( FS ) ( Retired ) CGPA & lt ; 1.702.3 Related Theory or Concept2.3.1 Religiosity Measurement on Intrinsic and Extrinsic DimensionsIn recent old ages, there has been an increasing sum of literature on religionism. There is a big volume of published surveies depicting the function of intrinsic and extrinsic religionism. However, Allport and Ross ( 1967 ) are the developer of the intrinsic-extrinsic Religious Orientation Scale ( ROS ) . Based on ROS, there are 11-items on the extrinsic graduated table to mensurate the extent to which persons use their faith for their ain terminals and a 9-item intrinsic graduated table to mensurate the extent to which persons live their faith.2.3.2 Religiosity Measurement on Intellectual DimensionsThe rational dimension of religionism is about religion and religion cognition. Glock and Stark ( 1965 ) stated that the five dimensions are related to rational dimensions. The dimensions are experiential, ritualistic, ideological, rational and eventful. These dimensions focus on personal religion, experience of ritualistic activity with community and a individual ‘s cognition toward faith. To proof their theory, Glock and Stark ( 1965 ) suggested to set the overall history of the faith in their literacy constituent of their trial.2.4 Research hypothesisThis research has two of import hypotheses which are: H1: Intrinsic religionism is positively related to academic accomplishment ( CGPA ) . H2: Extrinsic religionism is negatively related to academic accomplishment ( CGPA ) .2.5 Conceptual ModelFrom this conceptual model, the independent variable is single religionism whereas the dependant variable is academic accomplishment. Intrinsic and extrinsic religionism are straight formed single religionism. Independent Variable ( IV ) Dependent Variable ( DV )Figure 1: Conceptual Model2.6 Literature reappraisal2.6.1 Related Previous Study2.6.1.1 Scholastic Incentives and Educational Perceived Value ; the Role of Religion in Muslim Students ‘ Achievement Strivings by Ibrahim ( 2012 )This survey was conducted by Ibrahim, ( 2012 ) . It aimed to measure the perceptual experience factor and the function of faith in the Muslim pupils ‘ accomplishment nisuss at the matriculation pupils of the International Islamic University Malaysia. All respondents in this survey are from the 2nd twelvemonth where471 pupils were indiscriminately selected from the matriculation section at the International Islamic University. The method that was used in this survey is Rasch Analysis, which is to place whether religionism is the factor which controls respondents ‘ engagement in Academic exercises where it is followed by instrumentality ( long-run benefit ) or the public-service corporation fa ctor ( short-run benefit ) . Consequences of this survey showed that faith as one of the factor of major inducement of Muslim pupils towards academic exercisings, followed by long-run benefit. Examining Religiosity and Its Relationship to Self-Control, Procrastination and Academic Achievement by Elias et Al. ( 2005 )This research examined the relationship between Islamic religionism degree and ego control, cunctation, academic control and academic accomplishment by Elias et Al. ( 2005 ) . The survey was conducted in North University of Malaysia ; the respondents are 23 male and 122 female undergraduate pupils from research method category. The research worker examined the construct of will or ‘will-power ‘ from the Islamic position and compared it to the Western position. They use Muslim musabarah graduated table to mensurate an person ‘s degree of will harmonizing to Islamic position. The consequence is there are no important correlativities in both measuri ng of cunctation and between religionism and academic accomplishment but correlated to self-denial and sensed academic control. The Impact of Religiosity and Locus of Control on Academic Achievement in College Students by Adams ( n.d. )In the research by ( Adams, n.d. ) the relationship between religionism and venue of control on academic accomplishment in college pupils was examined. The respondents of this survey are 68 college pupils. The method that was used in this research is religiosity graduated table, venue of control graduated table, an academic accomplishment graduated table, and spiritual attitude graduated table. The concluding consequence found no relationship between venue of control and religionism utilizing the Rotter and Strayhorn graduated tables. The impact of faith on the educational accomplishment of Black male childs: A UK and USA survey by Byfield ( 2008 )Recently, Black boys in the United Kingdom and the USA have job with instruction. However, many Black male childs still can accomplish and get the better of the job. Therefore, Byfield ( 2008 ) did a research about the educationally successful Black males in the United Kingdom and the USA which involved 40 Black male pupils from both new and ancient universities. The intent of this survey is to bespeak whether faith is a conducive factor to the educational success of Black male pupils. The survey found that most of these pupils are spiritual and the church community plays a function to implement cultural and societal capital and their belief in God, it became important parts to these Black male pupils academic accomplishment.2.7 DecisionThis chapter has discussed the definitions of single religionism, intrinsic spiritual, extrinsic spiritual and academic accomplishment ( CGPA ) . Besides that, the old survey and related theory have been used to back up the direct relationship of single religionism and academic accomplishment ( CGPA ) . The undermentioned chapter will disc ourse the methodological analysis of the survey.Chapter 3Methodology3.1 IntroductionThis chapter is divided into six subdivisions. The first subdivision will discourse the debut while 2nd subdivision will discourse the research design in this survey. Data aggregation techniques will be discussed in the 3rd subdivision. The 4th subdivision will be on research location, population and trying while the 5th subdivision will be on the information analysis technique. The last subdivision is the decision of this chapter.3.2 Research DesignThis survey will utilize quantitative method. Quantitative method is the survey of utilizing informations in the signifier of Numberss. Form questionnaire will be distributed to the respondents and the replies will be received by the research worker and analyse through a quantitative analysis. The measurement tool that will be used is the statistical package that is the Statistical Package for Social Sciences ( SPSS ) . Five-point Likert graduated table w ill be used to analyze the relationship between single religionism and academic accomplishment.3.3 Data Collection MethodThe questionnaires will be distributed to the pupils by giving the signifiers to category representatives and they will assist administer and roll up the questionnaires during the larning procedure in the schoolroom. The pupils are asked to take some clip to make full out the questionnaire and reply the inquiries, and so return the completed questionnaires to their category representatives. Consequently, the research worker will reach the representatives to roll up the studies and so informations from the questionnaire will be analysed.3.4 Research SamplingThe research samples are NDUM Muslim plebes in twelvemonth one, two, and three Human Resource Management Faculty of Defense. The entire figure of cadet pupil is 182 pupils. Table 2 shows the figure of pupils in conformity with their several twelvemonth. This survey will utilize graded simple random sampling because NDUM Muslim plebes in twelvemonth one, two, and three of Defense Human Resource Management Faculty. Harmonizing to Uma & A ; Roger ( 2011 ) , stratified random sampling is to gauge the population parametric quantities of a group or subgroup. Table 2: The figure of cadet pupils harmonizing to their twelvemonth Old ages Entire Students 1 108 2 43 3 31 Entire 182Research InstrumentThe instrument to be used in this survey is a questionnaire. The instrument consists of Section A, Section B and Section C. Section A contains four inquiries in the signifier of personal and demographic features. These include age, gender, old ages of surveies, and last semester grade point norm ( CGPA ) . Section B contains 23 points refering the degree of single religionism in intrinsic and extrinsic factors utilizing Allport & A ; Ross ( 1967 ) measuring. In add-on, Section C consists of 5 points in the questionnaire related to academic accomplishment by Martha ( 2009 ) . The questionnaire will utilize Likert Scale which has 5 points from ‘Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree ‘ . 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree3.6 Data Analysis MethodData analysis method is the procedure where when all informations collected, it will analyze informations in phases by utilizing quantitative methods analysis. These methods are chosen to summarize the consequences of the questionnaire. Datas from the analysis of paperss and questionnaires will be analysed utilizing Statistical Package for the Social Sciences ( SPSS version 19.0 ) .3.7 DecisionOverall, this chapter discusses the research design, informations aggregation method, research sampling, and research instrument and informations analysis method. The description of the research is based on the analysis of each point every bit good as all facets of the survey. All the consequences from the analysis of informations processed and analysed utilizing SPSS will be explained in item in Chapter 4.
3D printing revolution in fashion industry
AD Printing Revolution in Fashion Industry Last week, I went to London Science museum, there was an exhibition of AD printing showing the completely new image of fashion in the coming 20 years. AD printing has been developing rapidly, now it is way more than printing plastic. It prints something that I cannot even believe: structural thing like house, complicated thing like gun, huge thing like rare plane and guess what, lively tissue. As AD printing becomes more mainstream, its applications are broadening (Rachel 2013).It started to hit the roll of fashion, besides AD printed handbags, dresses, we can see AD printed high- heel shoes and bikinis in the latest fashion shows. As Stephanie (2014) mentioned, the mix of apparel and technology shows the innovative soul of fashion, the future of fashion is truly tricked out with AD printing technology. As this evolution continues we can expect to see a AD printing revolution in our fashion industry. In the following sections, this essay is going to illustrate the revolution in production, supply chain and design aspects.Beginning with the first step of manufacture, production method in fashion field will e totally changed. According to some researches, 10% of all consumer products by the year 2025 will be made by the AD process. Richard (2013) discussed that since applications of the technology spread and prices decrease, more products will be manufactured at their location of purchase or consumption. Indeed, consumers will be printing their own clothing by 2020, according to inventor and futurist Ray Skuzzier (Tanya 2013). This implies that new household-level production will emerge.On top of it, production will no longer includes labor force, capital, natural resources, UT only the printing machines, raw materials and programs which lead a huge reform. Based on the change of production method, the supply chain will eventually be modified. â€Å"The world will transform from a macro-manufactured supply chain to a mi cro-manufactured supply chain or what is known as distributed manufacturing†(Nick 2014). Whereas cars today are made by Just a few hundred factories around the world, they might one day be made in every metropolitan area.The supply chain is going to be shortened as only machines and programs are involved, the whole supply chain may even only appear in our home. As the supply chain will undergo a makeover, certain categories of business will be eliminated. Countries will rather do domestic production than import since production will no longer require so much labors and places, shipping, delivery and inventory service will then go downhill. Before, the Internet technology has already overturned many traditional business models, so now the AD printing technology is going to revolute the fashion industry into a new era.Nature of design will be adjusted due the altered producing methods. Customization of goods is more significant due to maker can simply adjust the aerogramme (Ric hard 2013). As AD printing can solve some practicable problems of creative products, so it actually encourages the creativity in meeting individuals' need. The Job of designer will change as they have to know well about technology and design the products with programmer, or even, everyone can become a designer.What Rachel (2013) mentioned is this kind of intersection of fashion and technology can give everyone access to creativity. People will be designing clothes for themselves which they know their size and style the best, so they can create personalized clothing. If you do not want to spend time on making your own AD printing programmer, you can simply buy it online as what we are doing for music file, consumers would pay a fee to download and print the renderings, Ideas may eventually never produce sportswear, but simply sell the format to print Jersey and sneaker.Due to this, keen competition between the brands will be stronger, millions of designers are compete to produce a tr emendous variety of objects. Some researchers start to doubt whether AD printing will be widely spread since customized products may be more expensive than traditional mass-produced goods, ND spend longer time as well (Ashley 2010). And actually, since the technology is improving and supply increased, according to the scale of economy, the price of machine and materials for printing are eventually dropping.CNN did an experiment in 2013 that compared buying 20 items like phone case, spoon holder to the cost of printing them out directly. The result is, it took 25 hours to print all the objects and they saved up to $1926, depending on the quality of the comparable retail products. So we can definitely imagine all the time cost and price will be reducing by 2020. As what Nick (2014) pointed out, we are at the beginning of a revolution that will transform our society in ways we can't even imagine.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Bacchae by Euripides
The first lines of the selected passage translates as that of a chorus, meaning that the passage is intended for a more elegant effect as that of a regular speech delivery. The language of the line is highly descriptive, as it connotes elegance and respect: â€Å"Fair-maidened River Dirke, queen of waters, daughter of Achelous, you who bathed the infant child of god- when Zeus the father pulled him, from undying fire, into his thigh, did you not hear the cry of Zeus? †(Woodruff, 520).The metaphorical and personification use of language is exemplified in the association of the River Dirke personified as a female figure that possess an ability to turn mortals into Gods. Greek mythology naturally perpetuates an understanding of the different relationships between the Gods and man. The next lines reveal a commanding tone toward the subject, as it directs the character Dithryrambus: â€Å"Go, twice-born Dithyrambus, into my male womb. I now reveal you, with your Bacchic name, to Thebes†(Woodruff, 520).The description of the character is twice-born in the context of the story where the God Dionysus is born from the relationship between Zeus the thunder-god and Semele. Zeus, being an all-powerful God, cannot take any mortal form and thus appeared as a lightning bolt which killed Semele but Zeus managed to rescue his unborn son by stitching the baby into his thigh. The next line continues: â€Å"But now, blessed Dirke, you cast me out when I bring wreaths and feasting to your shore. Why do you reject me? Why do you run from me?A time will come-I swear by all the joy that you may squeeze from Dionysus grapes-a time when you will pay attention to the Thunderer (Woodruff, 535). The speaker addresses the river Dirke, as that of a personified woman with tones of confusion and spite, mixed with anger. The speaker is inquiring to the nature of his rejection even though his place is highly regarded in the context of his father. The next passage further utilize s a highly-descriptive tone not only to present a sense of imagery but also to imply to the reader the emotive impact of the characters: â€Å"Do you see this, son of Zeus, Dionysus?Those who speak for you are bound by force. Come down from Olympus waving your gold faced wand and put down the insults of this deadly man. †(Woodruff, 564). The character implies a urging tone toward the God, to punish those who refuse to honor his name. The last lines imply a tone of praise and revernce, as the descriptive mood from the prior passages is further repeated. Also the continuity of the use of metaphorical words is prevalent in the passage as it attempts to describe Dionysius characteristic in all of its majesty. â€Å"You are the blessed place, Pieria.You are honored by the god of joyful cries. He comes to set you dancing in his worship. He will cross swift flowing rivers with his Maenads whirling in their dance-the River Axion and Lydias, father of waters, who gives happiness and wealth to men from the most beautiful flow of water†(Woodruff, 575). This line provides an introductory theme toward the succession of the plot, which Dionysius attempts to regain his name. The passage implies an indirect build-up of tension for the remainder of the story that acts as a leeway in building up revenge.Dionysius, filled with anger and spite toward the people who had refused to honor him, prepares himself for revenge. The passage presents a reaffirmation toward the preceding actions and the identification of the glorious stature of Dionysius as a son of Zeus. Arising from prior events wherein the God did not achieve much reverence, the passages now imply his all-encompassing glory, both his good-natured side (provision of happiness and ecstacsy) and his negative characteristics (Bacchic frenzy). Work Cited Euripedes. The Bacchae. (trans. ) Paul Woodruff. Indianapolis, Ind. Hackett Pub. Co. 1998
Readings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Readings - Essay Example However, time is limited and progressive even as the individual undergoes the cycles. Many of the creatures that appear around or live in the river are significantly associated with the Egyptian gods and goddess. Moreover, the striking fertility of the Nile as compared to the barren condition of the barren land in Egypt made the Egyptians believe that their deities were dwelling around this fertile place. the Nun, Ogdoad, and the primordial Egyptian gods are believed to have lived around the Nile. The river acted as physical evidence that augmented Egyptian mythologies as many people could see the river. Geographically, Egypts Nile River valley was comparatively secluded from other hubs of civilization and the Egyptian religion remained unscathed by the views of foreign philosophies. The diverse pantheon of deities that existed fueled civilization and evolution of the myth that was meant to explain the world. The geographical, especially the apt weather in the Nile region, conditions also presented an inordinate opportunity for the Egyptians to explore their world a factor that significantly contributed to the rise of civilization. Various challenges confronted the Egyptians and had to devise elucidations and/or solutions. The availability of the Nile was an inordinate opportunity for the Egyptians to invent technologies that will enable them harness and reap maximally from the natural water source that was believed to be of utter significance in their existence. The legends and religious beliefs of the ancient Quichà © Maya who inhabited Guatemala are expertly described in the Popol Vuh. It starts with an exploration of the anthropomorphic lineages and clinches with a regnal pedigree, to assert that the Maya people rule the land by divine right. The Popol Vuh shows the various attempts that the maya deity did in an effort to create and transform the Maya people. The indigenous
Friday, September 27, 2019
Southwest Airlines Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Southwest Airlines - Case Study Example Most businesses are customer centered. Customer comes first regardless. Not so, Southwest airlines, where customer actually comes in second. The employee comes in first. Clearly this is against convention ("rules") but it does achieve quite a bit. Southwest Airline employees are one of the most motivated and productive work force in the industry and this results in happier customers as well. The airline attained success which is primarily due to its highly motivated and productive workforce. They have fewer employees per aircraft, fly fewer passengers per employee and have more available seat miles per employee. Because of the highly motivated workforce its turnaround time is much less compared to competitors who also enhance its productivity in terms of equipment utilization. SWA has achieved the Triple Crown (best on-time performance, fewest lost bags, and fewest passenger complaints-in the same month) nine times, which is a rare feat. Happy employees translate into happy customers . The other thing is Unions. Unions have always been a problem in the airline Industry. But for Southwest airlines they are actually a strength. SWA is a case study where Union and the management are not adversaries but partners in a successful business. The Hierarchy of SWA is also different. ... In most organizations, management is segregated from line workers and both make their money in different ways which are contrary to each other. While workers make more money by working overtime and longer hours, management make their money by increasing profit , which often involve cutting working hours and laying off line workers. But in SWA everybody makes money if they work longer hours and everybody makes money if the company is profitable. A Brief Study of First Break all the rules in the context of SWA: "The Book First Break all the rules was a scholarly research with far reaching conclusions. We now try to link the key ideas from the book to the SWA way. The key ideas were condensed in a summary by Regine P. Azurin and Yvette Pantilla Key Ideas: The best managers reject conventional wisdom. There is nothing conventional about how SWA operates. SWA if anything is totally different from all other airlines. The best managers treat every employee as an individual. SWA has a clear cut philosophy in this regard. Each employee is an essential and individual cog in the SWA success story. The best managers never try to fix weaknesses; instead they focus on strengthsand talent. SWA has some real constraints as most airlines do. SWA does not try to fix that what can't be fixed. But offers best, what it can do best. The best managers know they are on stage everyday. They know their people are watching every move they make. SWA philosophy of managers itself entails leading from the front. A manager can work the counter just as easily as put together a boardroom presentation. Measuring employee satisfaction is vital information for your investors. SWA employees always record high level of satisfactions and that is reflected in the stock prices of SWA.
Discuss the impact and possible effects of witnessing domestic Essay
Discuss the impact and possible effects of witnessing domestic violence as a child. Use psychological theory to explain your answer - Essay Example estimated that an alarming 41.5 per cent of women in society have been physically assaulted (Buzawa, Buzawa and Stark, 2012).Furthermore, domestic violence is not, however, just a phenomenon impacting women. Evidently, approximately 40 per cent of all domestic violence victims in the United Kingdom were men between 2004 and 2009, according to the British Crime Survey (Campbell, 2010).Notably, an international study involving a recruited sample of, 1,393 adolescents indicated that prevalence of domestic violence was an element of lifestyle. Evidently, with 67 per cent of respondents indicating experience with some form of symbolic parental aggression, in other words, symbolic aggression entails the use of vulgar language when referring to the child, disorderliness of the parent as a result of excessive consumption of alcohol among other factors. (Lepisto et al., 2011). Consequently, understanding the potential impact and effects of domestic violence on children is important as it has become a pervasive social problem. In fact, this essay seeks to highlight some of the causes of domestic violence in a bid to relate it to the growth and development of adolescents. Therefore, knowledge in this area will serve to improve the manner in which children are raised appropriately in the society On the contrary, there are compelling long-term psychological implications for victims who are harassed in an environment where domestic violence is prevalent. Fear, anxiety, depression, nightmares and even post-traumatic stress disorder are common psychological problems that occur as a result of being victimized domestically (Henslin, 2005). However, of much greater concern is the impact on children who have been witness to domestic violence. In fact, a study conducted by Adverse Childhood Experiences revealed that children who are regularly exposed to domestic violence were at a much higher risk for development of physical health issues, mental and behavioural problems, social
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Assignment 9 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
9 - Assignment Example This promotes wholesome growth physically, emotionally, spiritually and socially which is essential for the child. â€Å"It ought therefore to enter into the domestic policy of every parent, to make her children feel that the home is the happiest place in the world†I agree with the scholars who call Mrs. Beeton a feminist because her thought process portrays a woman who seeks to clearly define and defend the equal social, cultural and economic rights of a woman. We see this when she likens the mistress of the house to the Commander in Chief of an army by saying that the woman is the leader of the house who should perform her household duties now that the man is off looking for work. She ranks household duties by the woman and work by the man as equal, thereby making the both of them of the same stature in the chain of command hierarchy in the house. â€Å"as with the commander of an army or the leader of an enterprise, so is it with the mistress of a household. Her spirit will be seen through the whole establishment: and just in proportion as she performs her duties intelligently and thoroughly, so will her domestics follow in her path.†She believes that it is equally as important for the woman to show leadership in the house, both to her children and her servants, who will then follow the good example she sets for them and become better from it. She goes on to state that good leadership which was previously provided by the husband is now being provided by the woman because the man is not at home most of the time. The tone of Fichte’s address is one of revival and renewal. He is directing his sentiments to the German public whom he wants to reaffirm their status as belonging to a unique and special identity that should not be cowed by any forces, political or otherwise. He seeks to remind them of their rich history, in the hope that it will
Northern Irelands Unionist Paramilitaries Essay
Northern Irelands Unionist Paramilitaries - Essay Example There are many books and other material that have discussed these topics at length and with great competence. The unionist point of view has been and still is the preservation of the status quo, that is, Northern Ireland within the political framework of the United Kingdom. The status quo not only preserves their built-in advantage as the majority in Northern Ireland, it also protects them from becoming the minority in a united Ireland. The status quo, they believe, is their only guarantee that they can keep exercising their right to their own identity, traditions, religion and culture. Loyalists are all these and more. Where nationalist paramilitaries are willing to use force to change the status quo, loyalist paramilitaries are willing to use force to preserve the status quo. This is their objective and rationale in the use of both force and the threat of force. Loyalist paramilitaries (such as the UDA, UVF and LVF) who usually choose civilian targets, use terror against the Catholic community to prevent it from attempting to change the status quo. ... Their choice is also influenced by the ease with which they can access their targets, and by their own extreme sectarianism. Nationalist paramilitaries on the other hand tend to pick their targets from the ranks of the police and military, in keeping with their stance against the state and for protection of the people against state abuse. 2 Paramilitary groups, both loyalist and republican seemed quite successful in launching their military operations, if we are to judge by the number of dead and injured. Almost 3,600 died in Northern Ireland from 1969 to December 1997, and out of that number 87% were victims of paramilitary groups. If the same proportion were to be applied to a country like Britain, it would have around 170,000 casualties or half a million in a country like the US.3 Loyal and Armed 3 "Between 1968 and 1998, loyalist paramilitaries killed an estimated 864 civilians (most of them Catholic), compared with an estimated 728 civilians (most of them Protestant) killed by the IRA. Experts say loyalist groups have often acted out of religious hatred, while the IRA has more often targeted British security officers- killing more than 1,000 of them-in an effort to further its political goal of ejecting the British from Northern Ireland." 4 But did these acts of violence and terror help unionist paramilitaries in achieving their objective of maintaining a Northern Ireland status quo The Anglo-Irish Agreement The Anglo-Irish Agreement was signed by Northern Ireland's House of Representatives and Senate in 1999. It provides for the implementation of human rights laws in Northern Ireland, including recognition of equal status and rights for all minorities,
European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
European Free Trade Association (EFTA) - Essay Example Three out of the four EFTA members – all excluding Switzerland – are now members of the EEA (European Economic Area) Accord, linking the EC and EFTA countries for the purposes of multi lateral trade. The trend towards globalization of the world economy is promoted through the scheme of generalized tariff preferences (GSP) of the four members of the European Free trade Association. This scheme allows for preferential tariff arrangements among the trading countries of the EFTA and the EC which resulted in savings of $1.5 billion in preferential imports in 1980 (Brown 1989). The EFTA has fewer such preferential arrangements with other countries as compared to the EC and is therefore less restrictive in choosing the beneficiaries of preferential trading arrangements. Brown (1989) has provided the preferential tariff margins for 22 countries, listing all the major beneficiaries of this system, under which the payment of import duty is suspended on industrial products and small reductions in tariffs are available for some agricultural products. Manufactured and semi manufactured goods enjoy higher amounts of reductions in tariff. This provides a significant boost to free trade in the international context. The salient difference between the countries of the European Community and the EFTA countries lies in the degree to which they are willing to share sovereignty. The countries of the European Free Trade Association wanted to restrict the limits of their cooperation with other European countries to that of economic cooperation, while members of the EC were willing to hand over some of their sovereignty and autonomy over their own affairs in order to receive some concessions in influencing the policies of other countries in exchange.(Henning et al, p 86). For the four countries that are still members of the EFTA however, maintaining their autonomy and sovereignty is of supreme importance and they
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Baytree Procurement for MSA Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words
Baytree Procurement for MSA Project - Essay Example Most recently, the concerns about sustainability and environmental impact alarmed individuals, civic organisations, and even the global governments to subject themselves to goals that deter the destruction of the natural environment and ecological processes. This is in line with the reduction of the negative impact of global climate changes, and disasters caused by mankind’s mindless consumption, waste generation, pollution, and other activities including construction of built environment. All activities point out and lead to connected sourcing up to disposal so that each step of every process has become an important part of a whole. This paper will try to determine one company –Baytree Leisure Plc’s possible procurement issues as well as possible solutions to develop a proposed motorways services area in Yorkshire with close consideration of environment impact as well as sustainability. (i) Analyse the key procurement issues for Baytree Leisure plc to consider, including a review of their likely project success criteria and objectives for the proposed project Salteroyd. Identify any assumptions that you have made. The Key Procurement Issues for Baytree Leisure Plc In consideration of the proposed plan to provide the Motorway Services Area (MSA) on the M7 motorway in an area in Salteroyd in the county of Yorkshire, various procurement issues must be addressed. The aim of the plan is to meet the expectations resulting from the climate change agenda and drive to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The customers and consumers are therefore expected to become more selective in their buying decisions and would consider use of built environment such as the MSA to adhere to environmentally responsible developments. Sustainable building design and construction is therefore a must for Baytree. Design Foremost about the procurement process issue that Baytree needed to address is design. Design in the built environment means a plan for achieving goals or requirements by clients in consideration of users, environment, as well as other factors that will guide or limit the designer (Ralph and Wand, 2009). It serves as a guide to meet the least and the loftiest of details for a more holistic approach, and in this process, an ecologically sound MSA. Design choices as already mentioned, is guided by the principles of sustainability, environment-friendliness, costs, economics, functionality, ergonomics, or change methods to meet goals (Holm, 2006). Approaches in design includes user-centred usually guided by the function, multiple approaches, as well as keep it simple or KISS with minimised process and content but with consideration to aesthetics (Holm, 2006). Design also applies the following: Explore possibilities addressing problem and research that involves all stakeholders in the presentation of goals; Redefine development and improvement of traditional specifications and guidelines for options, solutions, and goals; Manage approache s to defining, exploring possibilities or creating ecological designs; Prototype or production of possible products to improve existing or traditional designs; Trend-spot merging concepts and products in order to innovate (Getlein, 2008). In addressing design issues, the project owner and its contractors will be able to provide a guide for the procurement specifically based on the
Discuss the relationship between the orthodox and the marginal, Essay
Discuss the relationship between the orthodox and the marginal, referring closely to at least two texts we have discussed on the unit - Essay Example It made its presence felt in the field of art, science, history, religion, literature, philosophy and politics as well as other aspects of intellectual inquiry. Scholars and thinkers of this era, sought out in search of ancient texts written in Latin or ancient Greek which had been long lost and forgotten into obscurity, which fuelled their desire to increase and improve their worldly knowledge - a concept totally in contrast to the transcendental spirituality strongly propagated by medieval Christianity. These scholars, however did not denounce or reject Christianity, but this cultural shift and the quest for knowledge did brought about a change in the way religion was approached by the intellectuals and was evident in many areas of their cultural life. Shakespeare’s Richard III and Christopher Marlowe’s The Jew of Malta and Dr Faustus, all three of which were widely popular and yet severely criticized mainly because of it’s content and candid use of language, and study them in the light of Renaissance – an era of immense exploration and questioning of ideas and well established philosophies. Although there exist many views regarding the exact date of the Renaissance period in history, for the purpose of this essay, the period between 14th to 17th centuries is considered as the Renaissance Era. In England, the Elizabethan era marked the beginning of the Renaissance Era, with the works of such writers as William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, John Milton and Edmund Spenser. This led to the development of new ideals on humanism which were far more liberal and secular as opposed to those in the medieval era to the chagrin of the yet unquestioned Christian backdrop. Much of the literary work was dedicated to religion or Church, as a result it had profound effect on contemporary theology, particularly the way in which the relationship between man and god was perceived. The Renaissance thus could well be perceived as a time of religious
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Origins of Nazi violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Origins of Nazi violence - Essay Example The idea was that the brain of a mature male was superior to that of women, and that status was also a contributing factor to intelligence as people of unexceptional talents were believed to be intellectually inferior to distinguished people. Exclusion of less equal human groups seemed like the only radical method of separating the superior races from the inferior races. This paper explores the causative factors behind the anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, and the associated violence. The principles of equality driven by American and French revolutionaries harmonized with the belief of inequality propagated by Darwinism. Scientists created a hierarchy that grouped human beings on a single scale of intellectually, and was based on the ranks or value of the individual. As such, science in the nineteenth century was based on traditional stereotypes, and this led to unverified conclusions that the differences in human beings were inborn and could not be changed. Social Darwinism states that the competition and struggling for life is the driving force behind the evolution of the human race, and only the better suited can and should survive. A way of thinking that pushes for fairness and enlightenment of all humanity is not favored by this doctrine. The importance of struggle in human society cannot be denied. Co-operation among individuals to form organized relationships can be modeled after the Darwinian model. It can be argued that without the struggling for existence, societies would not have evolved as much as they have. People join to form small groups, and further consolidate into bigger communities that are organized to bring about development that has led to civilization, and has been made possible due to inter-national and inter-tribal conflicts. Social co-operation is a consequence of combined defense and offence, and all kinds of co-operations have arisen from this synergy. The world’s population could have comprised of weak individuals living in cave s, and on wild food had it not been for the numerous battles fought amongst nations. These hostile situations forced the human society to evolve in order to survive. Just as the metazoic stage preceded the organic evolution, the social evolution begun at the meta-social stage. It was as a result of two or more clans coming together as a unified multifaceted community. The mutual invasion of personal space that is characteristic of any situation that brings together strangers is bound to breed hostility, and the result is war. Battles have either one of two outcomes; a group either conquers the other or is enslaved. Economic input in terms of labor begins when the enslaved nation is forced to work for the conquering nation. This was the only sure way of teaching human beings how to labor, and as such, it was the starting point of the whole industrial system of society. The human species may be degraded down to humiliating levels if nations lacked the will to fight each other. This is because war is one of the key facilitators of progress as it keeps countries on alert in anticipation of possible attacks. This shows that mankind and civilization as we know it, is sustained only through struggle and determination. In this line of thought, then the greatest threat to human society would be global peace, as the threat of external foes would be a non-existent concern. Science did not have to validate racism as it was already
Technology works on artworks Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Technology works on artworks - Research Paper Example This essay seeks to shed light on some of the artworks done by Andison, an artist of Canadian origin. Through these, together with the themes therein, it will be discovered that text, as a form of art, is not exactly or entirely what Plato Socrates made it look like. Art as we all know is a piece of creative representation of thoughts and ideas either in form of text or images, with the intention of communicating something to the viewers. According to Plato’s Socrates, art is inhuman, artificial and very much away from reality art. This includes text. On the other hand when we study the works of Andison, it’s trying to counter the theory of Plato. It is showing the flexibility and how human and real art is. Basing our arguments on the contrast brought out by Andison about the opinion of Plato, we can have different opinions as well about the reality of art. It is so clear from an artist point of view that what matters the most is how the work of art is interpreted considering each detail of the information given either through texts or any other artistic work. In the heartbreak scrabble game, Andison is trying to bring out the fact that art is flexible contrary to Plato who thinks that any written word or piece text is rigid. It is showing how one can derive many words from the word heartbreak. By sliding the tiles of this scrabble we see the freedom which comes along with art inform of a text. She is also using a text to prove that text is not dead, this is shown by how imaginary one becomes on sliding the tiles of the scrabble. This means that a single text can grow. This is also clearly brought out by the piece showing a woman in a flower garden. It is through this that we can derive different meanings and of what the artist is communicating. It brings different imaginations and different feelings on viewing it. From the word game, â€Å"heartbreaking†, it can also be seen that art is human, contrary to
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